Commodore A2630 Accelerator Card Jumpers
On the A2630 card there are four jumpers near ROM :
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Off Off Off Off
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J302 J303 J304 J301
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| | | l_ = MEG4, ON for 2Megs, OFF for 4Megs.
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| | l______ = B2000, OFF normal, ON for old A2000 w/68000 removed.
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| l___________ = AUTO, OFF ram is autoconfig'd, ON ram is disabled.
l________________ = OSMODE, OFF autoboots AmigaDOS, ON autoboots UNIX.
There is also a jumper under the heat shield between the 68030 & 68882.
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J202 = ON 1-2, 68882 FPU uses same 25MHz clock as 68030.
ON 2-3, 68882 FPU uses separate oscillator added in U203.