Hi there, Just read about your web site on Amiga.org and checked it out. What a brilliant idea!! I'm always getting requests from other people for driver disks and advice where to get them from. At last I've found a decent source :) Here's some extra disks to add to your collection. I see you already have some such as the Toccata soundcard driver disk and the Phase5 Cyberstorm mkII accellerator, but as you will note from the version numbers, the ones I have provided are later. I have included the Ariadne II ethernet install disks. These contain the TCP/IP stack Genesis, I'm not too sure if this contains copyrighted keyfiles (in this case a library) or not? It's an old version of it anyway, the later, better one comes as part of the Amiga OS 3.9 CD along with a non demo library. Where possible I have checked them for viri, but feel free to double check them for me. Keep up the great work! Regards, Anthony NZ